Why Visit the Dentist for Cosmetic Dentistry

Without a doubt, having flawlessly white teeth is the primary aesthetic concern of most people. However, it’s hard to keep your teeth white when they can be stained by various foods and drinks. Coffee, tea, and blueberries are just a few examples of common items that can discolor your teeth.

Normally, brushing isn’t going to be enough to keep or even make your teeth white, which is why some people have resorted to oil pulling, a method performed by swishing a tablespoon of oil inside one’s mouth.

The method doesn’t sound pleasant at all. Thankfully, teeth whitening would be much more effective if carried out by a skilled dentist. Modern dental technology may not make the same claims that tradition oil pulling does, but you can be assured that you will get definite results.

There are two options for teeth whitening—tray-based or in-office teeth whitening systems. A tray-based teeth whitening system involves the use of a mouth guard and a bleaching agent placed in the mouth at home for a predetermined time. It takes a month or more to see results using this method.

On the other hand, in-office teeth whitening is done in your dentist’s office. Your dentist will apply the whitening product directly on your teeth and the process is accelerated by the application of heat, either through a special light or a laser. Usually taking an hour, you can literally see the results when you look in the mirror after the first treatment.


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