Invisible Braces for Your Growing Teen
13-year-old daughter coaxed you into taking her to her favorite theme
park in Orlando, Florida for her birthday over the weekend. She was
giddy getting on the rides while you were happily taking a picture of
her every chance you got. Unfortunately, when you went over the
photos, you noticed that your teen was hardly smiling in any of them.
can get especially conscious about smiling if they are not satisfied
with the appearance of their teeth. A common problem among teens is
misaligned or crooked teeth for which braces may be required. The
problem is that wearing these metal braces or aligners (which often
look like they can be seen a mile away) can make your teen even more
self-conscious about smiling than she already is—not to mention
make her feel uncomfortable or uneasy.
a convenient, less noticeable option from an Orlando dentist is
available to properly align your daughter's teeth and make them
appear straighter and healthier, and it's called Invisalign. Unlike
the usual metal
Invisalign braces are light and smooth, making the wearers barely
feel them. Another plus of Invisalign is that they can do the job of
correcting teeth alignment in a much shorter time than standard metal
braces, something that your teen daughter will definitely welcome.
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