Getting Over Dentophobia

The rigid dental chair, the sharp dental equipment, and the stern-looking dentist behind the sterile mask strike fear in the hearts of some dental patients. For them, the thought of going to dental check-ups is pure torture, when in reality, these appointments are necessary for them to maintain good oral hygiene. Getting over dentophobia or the fear of dentists is easier said than done, but certainly not impossible.

Having a friend or a loved one as a companion during visits to the dentist can be a big help for those who are scared of dentists. Family and friends can be good sources of encouragement and strength, allowing patients to get through dental procedures. Relaxation techniques that involve deep breathing while tensing and releasing the muscles can also provide comfort especially before dental operations commence.

Communication plays a huge role in breaking the ice that separates dentists and patients. Patients can try and strike a conversation with their dentists and vice versa just to brighten up the mood. Lighthearted dialogues shared by both dentist and patient can be the start of a trusting relationship that will leave the latter feeling happy and satisfied after a grueling time at the dental chair.

You should always keep in mind that dentists are not monsters. They exist to help you, not to put you in danger.  


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